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DBVA for Eclipse for Windows
A database design plug-in for Eclipse that supports and ER Diagram ORM
"-Eclipse, this" supports ORM and ER Diagram
indir.biz Editor A database design plug: DBVA Eclipse, you advanced to Relational mapping designer and code generator for the object. DBVA-EC (DDL real executable persistence code, persistence layer and database to create or direct execute to the database). Without the subject you're interested in the business logic database and user interface development can focus. And the most popular persistence layer-EC DBVA persistence layer, Hibernate'll build on.
There is no vendor lock adopt DBVA-EC is open. All generated code, all popular relational database () and Application Server (eg JBoss MySQL, Oral Service, SQL Server, DB2 can run like, WebLogic Server ....). More information about the Java ORM resource page DBVA-EC can visit
http://resource.visual-paradigm.com/orm.html # java_orm
Help to know you can use DBVA by UML Class Diagram AK:
+ Design your object model
+ Create ERD from Class Diagram from ERD Entity Relational Database (ERD)
+ Create a Class Diagram by
+ Design Database
+ Create Pojo, DAO, Factory, Static method style persistence Java code
+ Generate Database Schema (DDL)
Reverse engineering of ERD from DDL +
+ Support Stored Procedures and Database Trigger (Enhanced)
ORM persistence + Generate Hibernate Annotations
+ Optimistic concurrency control
+ Create Shape is an editor in the Hibernate version tag
+ Callout and Freehand shape (New Feature)
+ Nicknamer (New Feature)
+ Model transitor (New Feature)
+ Co-VP Teamwork Server, CVS, SVN and Perforce (New Feature) UML2 model
+ Interoperability and Modeling (for UML2.x metamodel) through XMI platform eclipse
making diagrams and more .....< br>
DBVA-EC home page:
http://www.visual-paradigm.com/ Product / dbva / EC /
DBVA-EC Quick Tour:
Programmer's Guide for Java:
http://www.visual-paradigm. com.tr / product / dbva / EC / dbvaecscreenshots.jsp Eclipse you can download free DBVA for Windows 4.3 now.
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